128. Easter Sunday BBC1 (1993)

  • 15.00 The Wizard of Oz
  • 16.40 Looney Tune
  • 16.50 Lifeline
  • 17.00 The Legend of Lochnagar
  • 17.30 MasterChef


It’s Easter Sunday, 11th April 1993 and the tape is set up for the afternoon’s feature film

The Wizard of Oz

The tape continues through the rest of the late afternoon’s programmes, which are…

The Wise Quacking Duck


I sometimes miss the cartoon shorts with which the BBC used to fill the odd 10 minute gap, but this one serves as a reminder that not all of them were that good.


A charity appeal presented by the late Cliff Michelmore and Joanna Kaye.

The Legend of Lochnagar

Much heralded at the time and quite probably the reason the tape was left running, although I don’t believe we ever watched it.


The original incarnation and therefore devoid of false jeopardy, manufactured suspense and hushed baby-talk voice over. Really, how did we ever watch it? Hosted by Loyd Grossman aka Jet Bronx (see tape 129), with guests Robert Carrier and Michael Elphick.

A continuity slide, from earlier on the tape, shows us what we could have gone on to expect had this been an 8 hour cassette…


…which it isn’t.


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